Our year has had many highlights but most have come from working collaboratively with other organisations in the NT. Together we are stronger and more effective and the sharing of skills and knowledge enhances our services and the outcomes for our community.

We joined with a number of legal assistance providers, including NAAJA and KWILS to advocate for reforms on guardianship, providing details of casework that demonstrated the injustices with the current legislation and its implementation. We have had a positive response from the Attorney-General and hope to continue this important work in the coming year.

NT Shelter and NAAJA have been our great supporters on tenancy and housing issues and in particular maintaining pressure to elicit well overdue reforms to the Residential Tenancy Act.

NTCOSS joined with us to lead NT forums designed to harness key messages in the lead up to the Royal Commission on Aged Care Quality and Safety visiting Darwin. Our joint advocacy was successful in ensuring that NT voices were heard while the Commission was here.

Our work with National Disability Services NT and the Disability Advocacy Network has been influential in raising issues with the implementation of the market-based NDIS and the lack of services in the NT. We have also formed very strong bonds with great community organisations like the Machado Joseph Foundation on Groote Island to advocate for place-based and tailored outcomes for people with disability.

We have already started talking about new collaborations and partnerships for next year so watch this space.


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